Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Acoma Pueblo - Sky City

Our group at the Sky City Entrance

Our tour group
Tribal artisan selling her Acoma Pottery

Various shots of Acoma Pueblo which has the unique historical distinction as the oldest continuously inhabited community in North America.

The Pueblo looms 370 feet above the desert floor.  For almost 2,000 years it has served as the physical and spiritual homeland for the the Acoma people and dates back to 1100 A. D.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

On our way to Carrizozo, New Mexico

Stopped by Roswell, New Mexico and the International UFO Museum and Research Center.  It must be true, here's the pictures.

Here we are parked at the Valley of Fires BLM Recreation area.

In Lincoln we saw how early settlers protected themselves.  We saw the Billy the Kid Historical exhibit and toured historical Lincoln.  

We also toured Fort Stanton which was a U. S. MilitaryFort built in 1855.  Billy the Kid and Kit Carson was among the notables that lived there at one time.  It has had several uses over the years including an internment camp for both German and Japanese prisoners.  No the lower picture is not a statue, this is the docent that took time out of his Sunday to talk to us about life and history of Fort Stanton.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Living Desert

Visited the Living Desert Zoo and Gardens which is a state operated zoo and botanical gardens specializing in native species of the Chihuahuan Desert and and New Mexico.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Arrived today to start our caravan

Here's a picture of our KOA Park.  The park served a great BBQ dinner and we tie dyed T-shirts.  We entertain easily.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Leaving Houston

We have four Airstream units that left the Houston, Texas area for Hillsboro, Texas.  We will spend one night at the North Texas Airstsream Community and then continue to Abilene, Texas for the night, then to Midland, Texas.  We should arrive in Carlsbad, New Mexico to begin our 'Southwest Adventure' caravan on April 20. 2011.